Raffle Contest

Ticket purchase is necessary to enter or win. A Purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Void where prohibited. The Raffle is open to residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are at least (18) years old at the time of entry.
The Raffle is sponsored by Merced Bookkeepers & Associates, located at San Antonio, Texas. Merced Bookkeepers offers accounting services for large, medium and small businesses, helping them to keep their financial information up to date with the accounting and processing transactions.
How to Enter
Each person must buy (1) ticket, raffle has no purchase limit ticket per person, you can buy them sending a text message with:
Last Name
Phone Number
Ticket Quantity
One of our Sales Agent will be in contact with you in less than 24 hrs to answer questions and/or process your purchase. Ticket purchase has not refund or return. Purchase of one or multiple tickets is a final sale.
Raffle Period
The draw could take place as soon as the limited-edition tickets is sold out. Raffle period from July 24, 2024 – February 9, 2025 – 6pm.
Winner Notification
On or about the Prize Draw, the Sponsor will select potential winner in a random drawing from among all eligible paid entries. The odds of being selected depend on the number of limited-edition tickets buyers buy.
The Sponsor will attempt to notify the potential winner via text message, or email about the prize won. If the winner does not respond on the next 30 days after the prize draw announcement, then that winner will be disqualified. Whereby the Sponsor will carried-out another Prize Draw to select a new winner using the same paid entries to meet the Limited Ticket Edition established for this prize draw. This prize draw settle enhances the opportunity to win to buyers inside of the same raffle limited-edition ticket period paid entries.
The Limited Ticket Edition X2 has been designed to increase the odds of being selected. For example, if a purchaser buys (1) ticket limited edition, then has 2 opportunities for the same price and the same prize draw period. Another way to increase the opportunity to win the prize occurs if you buy (4) ticket limited edition; then he/she buyer will have 8 opportunities.
The Limited Ticket Edition will be active or taking in place only in the case that the first winner doesn't show; or do not claim it prize during a period of 30 days after the Prize Drawing.
Prize Draw Announcement
The Sponsor will be sending a text message with a link to get access to a video announcement. Through the video stakeholders can see how was carried out the prize draw, and how was selected the winner.
Raffle purchase period ends on February 9, 2025 and the text message video link will be sending out on Sunday, February 16, 2025 to exhibit the Prize Draw after 12:00pm.
Prize Deliver
Once the winner be announced he/she should response the email or text message not later two (2) weeks the email about the announcement prize have been sent. The winner should pay for the shipping of the prize. They may use the carrier of their preference such as U.S. Postal Service or FedEx or USPS; and send the shipping label to the address (e-mail or mail) that will be mention into the email with the instructions about the pick of the equipment. Or personally appear to pick it up.